01-21-2021, 10:20 PM
48 Hour Turnaround
Forum Only Communication
No Alliances - No NAPs
Rulers in this Campaign:
Abbr Region Kingdom Ruled By
RA The Crown Islands(1) The Iron Province of the Rangers Lord Garth
TY Darkover(2) The Evil Reign of the Tyrant of Gor Windstar
NE The Diamond Coast(3) The Shadow Lands of the Necromancer Airetar
AM Krynn(4) The Realm of the Amazon Matriarchy Drogo
DE Triumvia(5) The Seven Hells of the Demon Princes Blackstaff
GN Zanthia(6) The Golden Principality of the Gnomes Runigruth
PI Nyvaria(7) The Pirates of Avalon and Beyond HabeusCorpus
DU The Sword Coast(8) The Domain of the Great Druid Pine Needle
IL Pellinor(9) The Sphere of the Illusionist Keeope
DA Zamora(10) The Onyx Imperium of the Dark Elves The Wise One
SO Mythgar(11) The Hidden Realm of the Sorcerer CosmicWizard17
BL The Untamed Lands(12) The Dark Skies of the Black Dragons The Painted Man
Forum Only Communication
No Alliances - No NAPs
Rulers in this Campaign:
Abbr Region Kingdom Ruled By
RA The Crown Islands(1) The Iron Province of the Rangers Lord Garth
TY Darkover(2) The Evil Reign of the Tyrant of Gor Windstar
NE The Diamond Coast(3) The Shadow Lands of the Necromancer Airetar
AM Krynn(4) The Realm of the Amazon Matriarchy Drogo
DE Triumvia(5) The Seven Hells of the Demon Princes Blackstaff
GN Zanthia(6) The Golden Principality of the Gnomes Runigruth
PI Nyvaria(7) The Pirates of Avalon and Beyond HabeusCorpus
DU The Sword Coast(8) The Domain of the Great Druid Pine Needle
IL Pellinor(9) The Sphere of the Illusionist Keeope
DA Zamora(10) The Onyx Imperium of the Dark Elves The Wise One
SO Mythgar(11) The Hidden Realm of the Sorcerer CosmicWizard17
BL The Untamed Lands(12) The Dark Skies of the Black Dragons The Painted Man