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5642 Steel
(02-08-2023, 10:14 PM)uncledarkside2 Wrote: Reports of our Military engagements:

  Grp Battle Image
Battle between the Sorcerer army group and the Dwarven army group in the plains of area NP:
                                                 Sorcerer                                     Dwarven

                   Warlord                                Warlord  [*Stunned*]
                   Lord Commander                  Warlord
                   Marshal                               Warlord

                       Power-12                         Power-7
                       Power-9                           Power-7

                    1 Iron Golem Regular           5 Dwarves Elite
                   11 Vikings Elite               10 Dwarves Veteran
                    5 Vikings Veteran              3 Dwarves Regular
                    5 Orcs Elite                   1 Mammoths Elite
                    5 Orcs Veteran                 5 Minotaurs Regular
                    3 Orcs Regular                 6 Wildlings Regular
                    5 Specters Regular             4 War Machines Veteran
                   13 Skeletons Veteran          
                    7 Skeletons Regular          

                                      Combat Factors
                         Forged Armor              Mithril Armor
                      Forged Weaponry              Mithril Weaponry
                     Renowned Leaders              Dwarven Hammers
                          High Morale              Renowned Leaders

                                    Tactical Selection
                 Standard Battle Plan              Fight To The Last
    The thundering stomping by the 1st Dwarven Mammoths caused fear among the ranks of their
    enemy. The 4th Sorcerer morale was boosted due to the plentiful number of Orc brigades
    within their ranks. The colossus 4th Sorcerer Iron Golem breathed poisonous gas upon their
    enemy, disheartening their morale. The 1st Dwarven morale was boosted due to the valor of
    the Minotaur brigades. In the first hour of morning, the 4th Sorcerer army group raced to
    engage the defensive position of the 1st Dwarven army group led by Warlord Snark the Bold.
    Holding that their nation had declared the Dwarven to be treated as an enemy of their
    nation, the Sorcerer troops were clearly anxious for battle and gained a morale boost as
    they prepared to fight their declared enemy! Knowing that their liege had declared the
    Sorcerer to be hostile to their interests, the Dwarven forces were invigorated and had
    their morale raised as they prepared to battle their declared enemy! The Dwarven fielded
    its pride: its 1st group. As the attackers crossed the rolling plains, the first missiles
    sang out.

                                 - Long Range Missilers -

    The Dwarven, a veteran group of steel nerves, had prepared their defenses and their hearts
    for victory or death. They were prepared to Fight to the Last. Retreat was not a
    consideration. The long range Sorcerer mixed types of missilers and the disciplined
    crossbowmen of the Dwarven force initiated their attack. The Sorcerer lines dealt out
    light damage upon the Dwarven forces in response, the Dwarven imposed light damage against
    the enemy.

                                 - Short Range Missilers -

    The short range Sorcerer mixed types of missilers and the disciplined crossbowmen of the
    Dwarven force initiated their attack. The Sorcerer forces claimed light losses upon the
    Dwarven ranks as the Dwarven imposed light casualties to their enemy.

                                       - Magic -

    Sorcerer wizards dismounted scarcely past where the defensive missiles were falling and
    began an animated spell. Power-12 wizard Constance presence (lighting attack) failed due
    to 1st Dwarven magic resistance. Power-12 wizard Constance disintegrate spell failed due
    to 1st Dwarven magic resistance. Sunset also had his presence be seen in similar manner.
    Power-9 wizard Sunset slowly spoke in an arcane language, gestures building to a
    crescendo. A dense vapor mist began to form above the battlefield, suddenly it ignites and
    intense fire burns through the enemy dissolving flesh and matter! Many perished amongst
    the screams. Red Son of Dre also let his presence be known in similar fashion. Power-8
    wizard Red Son of Dre glowered intently and issued indecipherable utterances. With a
    dazzling display of images in the air, Warlord Olag Torchmaster of the opposing force is
    stunned and cannot move! Power-8 wizard Red Son of Dre slowly spoke in an arcane language,
    gestures building to a crescendo. He sought through his magic to stun Warlord Snark the
    Bold, but was unable to do so. A form of defensive magic protected the target from harm.
    Power-8 wizard Red Son of Dre made a series of intricate gestures. He sought through his
    magic to stun Warlord Trum of Hamfell, but was unable to do so. A form of defensive magic
    protected the target from harm. Dwarven wizards dismounted scarcely beyond the range of
    defending bowmen and began an elaborate spell. With a mere glare from his fiery eyes
    Damakar's presence arcane altered the course of the engagement. Earth tremors shot forth
    from him. Power-7 Wizard Damakar made a series of intricate gestures. He then created a
    powerful warding, which would protect the heroes and wizards of his force from the black
    magics of any opposing spellcasters. Kronix likewise had his presence be seen in similar
    fashion. The Sorcerer ranks claimed minor damage upon the Dwarven lines in return, the
    Dwarven dealt out minor losses against the enemy.

                                      - Artifact -

    Dwarven Warlord Olag Torchmaster displayed the Bow of Heracles for all to see, his troops
    thus encouraged multiplied their efforts and the enemy's leaders quaked as the magical bow
    slew enemy forces. By raising the Morning Star of Torag, Dwarven Warlord Olag Torchmaster
    infused his troops with boldness and caused alarm in the minds of the Sorcerer leaders as
    the magical mace slew enemy forces.

                                       - Charge -

    The outcome of the battle was still very much in doubt. The horsemen from both sides
    charged ahead and clashed upon the battlefield. The Sorcerer ranks imposed light damage
    upon the Dwarven ranks as the Dwarven caused minor losses to their foes.

                                       - Melee -

    The Sorcerer force maintained a distinct advantage and victory now appeared within their
    grasp. Soon the infantries of each side were upon the other, and now the fighting was
    bloodier than ever. The Sorcerer melee advanced forward to meet the Dwarven footmen in
    close quarters. The Sorcerer forces dealt out noticable losses upon the Dwarven lines and,
    in return, the Dwarven inflicted light damage to their enemy.

                                      - Combined -

    Hour after hour passed, yet none could tell which side would be the victor since both
    forces were evenly matched. Despite all that had preceeded at this moment, the battle
    outcome was still in doubt. Now all remaining troops of all types hurled themselves into
    the thick of battle to settle matters in decisive fashion. The battle continued long past
    all expectations. By now, the full remaining compliment of each force had been hurled into
    the fray, feverishly struggling and bleeding these long hours seeking the glory of
    victory. The Sorcerer entire force defied the Dwarven remaining troops for the final
    battle. The Sorcerer lines imposed substantial casualties upon the Dwarven forces as the
    Dwarven caused minor damage to their enemy.

                                     - Conclusion -

    Forces on both sides of the battlefield were exhausted and left the battle without either
    side withdrawing. Sorcerer casualties were put at 18.33%. All Sorcerer leaders survived
    the battle. Impressing his peers was Irian Specter, who once again has won further glory.
    He is now a Grand Marshal. All the Sorcerer wizards survived the fray. Earning elevation
    was an Iron Golem brigade. They are now a Veteran brigade. Due to experience, victory and
    valor, a Veteran Vikings brigade has been recognized as Elite! Due to experience, victory
    and valor, a Veteran Vikings brigade has been recognized as Elite! Due to experience,
    victory and valor, a Veteran Orcs brigade has been recognized as Elite! Due to experience,
    victory and valor, a Veteran Orcs brigade has been recognized as Elite! Due to experience,
    victory and valor, a Veteran Orcs brigade has been recognized as Elite! Earning elevation
    was an Orcs brigade. They are now a Veteran brigade. An Specters unit was awarded
    promotion to Veteran status. An Specters unit earned promotion to Veteran status. An
    Skeletons brigade of Regular experience battled bravely and have been promoted to Veteran
    status. The troops are eager for further glory: morale is up! Dwarven casualties were put
    at 47.57%. All Dwarven leaders survived the battle. All the Dwarven wizards survived the
    fray. Due to experience, victory and valor, a Veteran Dwarves brigade has been recognized
    as Elite! Due to experience, victory and valor, a Veteran Dwarves brigade has been
    recognized as Elite! Earning elevation was an Dwarves brigade. They are now a Veteran
    unit. An Minotaurs brigade of Regular experience fought valorously and have been promoted
    to Veteran level. An Wildlings brigade of Regular experience battled bravely and have been
    elevated to Veteran level. An Wildlings unit was awarded promotion to Veteran status. Due
    to experience, victory and valor, a Veteran War Machines brigade has been recognized as
    Elite! Losses suffered in the effort and depression of defeat have greatly reduced morale.

Any summon death spells before the battle?

(02-09-2023, 09:15 PM)Wookie Panz Wrote:
(02-08-2023, 10:14 PM)uncledarkside2 Wrote: Reports of our Military engagements:

  Grp Battle Image
Battle between the Sorcerer army group and the Dwarven army group in the plains of area NP:
                                                 Sorcerer                                     Dwarven

                   Warlord                                Warlord  [*Stunned*]
                   Lord Commander                  Warlord
                   Marshal                               Warlord

                       Power-12                         Power-7
                       Power-9                           Power-7

                    1 Iron Golem Regular           5 Dwarves Elite
                   11 Vikings Elite               10 Dwarves Veteran
                    5 Vikings Veteran              3 Dwarves Regular
                    5 Orcs Elite                   1 Mammoths Elite
                    5 Orcs Veteran                 5 Minotaurs Regular
                    3 Orcs Regular                 6 Wildlings Regular
                    5 Specters Regular             4 War Machines Veteran
                   13 Skeletons Veteran          
                    7 Skeletons Regular          

                                      Combat Factors
                         Forged Armor              Mithril Armor
                      Forged Weaponry              Mithril Weaponry
                     Renowned Leaders              Dwarven Hammers
                          High Morale              Renowned Leaders

                                    Tactical Selection
                 Standard Battle Plan              Fight To The Last
    The thundering stomping by the 1st Dwarven Mammoths caused fear among the ranks of their
    enemy. The 4th Sorcerer morale was boosted due to the plentiful number of Orc brigades
    within their ranks. The colossus 4th Sorcerer Iron Golem breathed poisonous gas upon their
    enemy, disheartening their morale. The 1st Dwarven morale was boosted due to the valor of
    the Minotaur brigades. In the first hour of morning, the 4th Sorcerer army group raced to
    engage the defensive position of the 1st Dwarven army group led by Warlord Snark the Bold.
    Holding that their nation had declared the Dwarven to be treated as an enemy of their
    nation, the Sorcerer troops were clearly anxious for battle and gained a morale boost as
    they prepared to fight their declared enemy! Knowing that their liege had declared the
    Sorcerer to be hostile to their interests, the Dwarven forces were invigorated and had
    their morale raised as they prepared to battle their declared enemy! The Dwarven fielded
    its pride: its 1st group. As the attackers crossed the rolling plains, the first missiles
    sang out.

                                 - Long Range Missilers -

    The Dwarven, a veteran group of steel nerves, had prepared their defenses and their hearts
    for victory or death. They were prepared to Fight to the Last. Retreat was not a
    consideration. The long range Sorcerer mixed types of missilers and the disciplined
    crossbowmen of the Dwarven force initiated their attack. The Sorcerer lines dealt out
    light damage upon the Dwarven forces in response, the Dwarven imposed light damage against
    the enemy.

                                 - Short Range Missilers -

    The short range Sorcerer mixed types of missilers and the disciplined crossbowmen of the
    Dwarven force initiated their attack. The Sorcerer forces claimed light losses upon the
    Dwarven ranks as the Dwarven imposed light casualties to their enemy.

                                       - Magic -

    Sorcerer wizards dismounted scarcely past where the defensive missiles were falling and
    began an animated spell. Power-12 wizard Constance presence (lighting attack) failed due
    to 1st Dwarven magic resistance. Power-12 wizard Constance disintegrate spell failed due
    to 1st Dwarven magic resistance. Sunset also had his presence be seen in similar manner.
    Power-9 wizard Sunset slowly spoke in an arcane language, gestures building to a
    crescendo. A dense vapor mist began to form above the battlefield, suddenly it ignites and
    intense fire burns through the enemy dissolving flesh and matter! Many perished amongst
    the screams. Red Son of Dre also let his presence be known in similar fashion. Power-8
    wizard Red Son of Dre glowered intently and issued indecipherable utterances. With a
    dazzling display of images in the air, Warlord Olag Torchmaster of the opposing force is
    stunned and cannot move! Power-8 wizard Red Son of Dre slowly spoke in an arcane language,
    gestures building to a crescendo. He sought through his magic to stun Warlord Snark the
    Bold, but was unable to do so. A form of defensive magic protected the target from harm.
    Power-8 wizard Red Son of Dre made a series of intricate gestures. He sought through his
    magic to stun Warlord Trum of Hamfell, but was unable to do so. A form of defensive magic
    protected the target from harm. Dwarven wizards dismounted scarcely beyond the range of
    defending bowmen and began an elaborate spell. With a mere glare from his fiery eyes
    Damakar's presence arcane altered the course of the engagement. Earth tremors shot forth
    from him. Power-7 Wizard Damakar made a series of intricate gestures. He then created a
    powerful warding, which would protect the heroes and wizards of his force from the black
    magics of any opposing spellcasters. Kronix likewise had his presence be seen in similar
    fashion. The Sorcerer ranks claimed minor damage upon the Dwarven lines in return, the
    Dwarven dealt out minor losses against the enemy.

                                      - Artifact -

    Dwarven Warlord Olag Torchmaster displayed the Bow of Heracles for all to see, his troops
    thus encouraged multiplied their efforts and the enemy's leaders quaked as the magical bow
    slew enemy forces. By raising the Morning Star of Torag, Dwarven Warlord Olag Torchmaster
    infused his troops with boldness and caused alarm in the minds of the Sorcerer leaders as
    the magical mace slew enemy forces.

                                       - Charge -

    The outcome of the battle was still very much in doubt. The horsemen from both sides
    charged ahead and clashed upon the battlefield. The Sorcerer ranks imposed light damage
    upon the Dwarven ranks as the Dwarven caused minor losses to their foes.

                                       - Melee -

    The Sorcerer force maintained a distinct advantage and victory now appeared within their
    grasp. Soon the infantries of each side were upon the other, and now the fighting was
    bloodier than ever. The Sorcerer melee advanced forward to meet the Dwarven footmen in
    close quarters. The Sorcerer forces dealt out noticable losses upon the Dwarven lines and,
    in return, the Dwarven inflicted light damage to their enemy.

                                      - Combined -

    Hour after hour passed, yet none could tell which side would be the victor since both
    forces were evenly matched. Despite all that had preceeded at this moment, the battle
    outcome was still in doubt. Now all remaining troops of all types hurled themselves into
    the thick of battle to settle matters in decisive fashion. The battle continued long past
    all expectations. By now, the full remaining compliment of each force had been hurled into
    the fray, feverishly struggling and bleeding these long hours seeking the glory of
    victory. The Sorcerer entire force defied the Dwarven remaining troops for the final
    battle. The Sorcerer lines imposed substantial casualties upon the Dwarven forces as the
    Dwarven caused minor damage to their enemy.

                                     - Conclusion -

    Forces on both sides of the battlefield were exhausted and left the battle without either
    side withdrawing. Sorcerer casualties were put at 18.33%. All Sorcerer leaders survived
    the battle. Impressing his peers was Irian Specter, who once again has won further glory.
    He is now a Grand Marshal. All the Sorcerer wizards survived the fray. Earning elevation
    was an Iron Golem brigade. They are now a Veteran brigade. Due to experience, victory and
    valor, a Veteran Vikings brigade has been recognized as Elite! Due to experience, victory
    and valor, a Veteran Vikings brigade has been recognized as Elite! Due to experience,
    victory and valor, a Veteran Orcs brigade has been recognized as Elite! Due to experience,
    victory and valor, a Veteran Orcs brigade has been recognized as Elite! Due to experience,
    victory and valor, a Veteran Orcs brigade has been recognized as Elite! Earning elevation
    was an Orcs brigade. They are now a Veteran brigade. An Specters unit was awarded
    promotion to Veteran status. An Specters unit earned promotion to Veteran status. An
    Skeletons brigade of Regular experience battled bravely and have been promoted to Veteran
    status. The troops are eager for further glory: morale is up! Dwarven casualties were put
    at 47.57%. All Dwarven leaders survived the battle. All the Dwarven wizards survived the
    fray. Due to experience, victory and valor, a Veteran Dwarves brigade has been recognized
    as Elite! Due to experience, victory and valor, a Veteran Dwarves brigade has been
    recognized as Elite! Earning elevation was an Dwarves brigade. They are now a Veteran
    unit. An Minotaurs brigade of Regular experience fought valorously and have been promoted
    to Veteran level. An Wildlings brigade of Regular experience battled bravely and have been
    elevated to Veteran level. An Wildlings unit was awarded promotion to Veteran status. Due
    to experience, victory and valor, a Veteran War Machines brigade has been recognized as
    Elite! Losses suffered in the effort and depression of defeat have greatly reduced morale.

Any summon death spells before the battle?

None from me (SO). Dwarves are immune

How was the DW Warlord stunned, when it looks like the SO wizards didn't cast that spell. Was it from a previous battle?

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