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Greetings to fellow rulers all in this blessed land. I am Lord Lothaedus Swordhand, First Ranger. I have been blessed to be able to travel throughout the lands in my wanderings. Through my travels, I have heard many great tales of each of your exploits and hold you all in the utmost respect. I have recently been elevated to the position of First Ranger, leader of the Rangers. It is in this capacity that I reach out to each and every one of you with token of good faith. The Rangers are a loyal creed, and we will uphold any vows to the death.
Best of luck to each an everyone one of you. May the stars always point your way.
~Lord Lothaedus Swordhand
Well met Great Black Wyrm. The Rangers have long admired the strength and courage of your race and we hope to usher in a long lasting term of peace. I am hopeful that we can retain my child-hood town in the Southern Sands as it holds many fond memories of my youth. I am also hopeful that we can enter into a long term peace accord with each other. I humbly propose that we sign a treaty lasting through the Summer of 1101 with the option to renew if both parties agree. I trust all is well with you and your family and I hopefully look forward to forging a close friendship between our two peoples.
Warmest wishes,
~Lord Lothaedus Swordhand
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10-26-2015, 04:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-26-2015, 04:37 PM by Jumpingfist.)
Great King Stonethrower, the news of your expansion spreads quickly. We the great Consul of the Ancients must warn you there is a town within Arcania where we maintain the seal to the Underworld. Not the underworld you know as a band of assassins and thieves, but The underworld that is home to the most vial of demons. The Ancients Ones have only shown us how to maintain and keep these Demon Princes out of our realm. I do ask that you allow us to maintain this town.
We would also request a village of our own within Arcania to help feed our peoples when the winter hits the northern regions. We would be happy to share what is found as our group leaves Arcania knowing the Mighty Giant Armies will be able to protect the lands of Arcania and our town within.
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(10-26-2015, 04:19 PM)j2klbs Wrote: [RA]
Greetings to fellow rulers all in this blessed land. I am Lord Lothaedus Swordhand, First Ranger. I have been blessed to be able to travel throughout the lands in my wanderings. Through my travels, I have heard many great tales of each of your exploits and hold you all in the utmost respect. I have recently been elevated to the position of First Ranger, leader of the Rangers. It is in this capacity that I reach out to each and every one of you with token of good faith. The Rangers are a loyal creed, and we will uphold any vows to the death.
Best of luck to each an everyone one of you. May the stars always point your way.
~Lord Lothaedus Swordhand
Well met Great Black Wyrm. The Rangers have long admired the strength and courage of your race and we hope to usher in a long lasting term of peace. I am hopeful that we can retain my child-hood town in the Southern Sands as it holds many fond memories of my youth. I am also hopeful that we can enter into a long term peace accord with each other. I humbly propose that we sign a treaty lasting through the Summer of 1101 with the option to renew if both parties agree. I trust all is well with you and your family and I hopefully look forward to forging a close friendship between our two peoples.
Warmest wishes,
~Lord Lothaedus Swordhand
OOC the year never seems to change 12 months go by but the year remains 1100
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OOC: Ha! I never noticed that the year doesn't change.
To the Esteemed Lord Lothaedus Swordhand, Leader of the First Men and Supreme Commander of Antiquities and Adventure,
I am Bottlenose, diplomatic liaison for the Gnomes, and we receive your recent goodwill message with great enthusiasm and mutual assurances of honor! We, too, believe that our word must be our bond, lest our entire civilization descend into anarchy and chaos.
Although we are not neighbors, we nevertheless wanted to express our deep appreciation for the values you have expressed, and on that note, offer up freely a pact of non-aggression through the end of the winter, spring, or next summer, as you choose.
Based on the auspicious portents of your message, we would also be open to considering an even deeper relationship as time passes. You never know when one or the other of us could use a fast and loyal friend.
With Honor and Honesty,
Bottlenose, for the Gnomes
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Just following up on my last correspondence to you, in case my messenger was intercepted. I've noticed that quite a few of my couriers have failed to make it to their destinations, thus necessitating additional messages. Moreover, ravens are everywhere and the hair on the back of my Gnomish neck have been standing on end more recently than usual, indicating the possibility of scrying. It is almost as if everyone is eavesdropping, everywhere!
Regardless, with the Giant King's declaration and rumors of the Warlock King's acceptance, my impression is that we may be moving to an era of mutual defenses and alliances. I remain interested in working closely with you, and if you have other thoughts or suggestions, by all means, I am open to them.
Finally, given that neither of us has fleet-footed troops, it may be helpful to make sure we aren't searching the same areas of Runnimede. I am currently concentrating on the west, and the northeast, including the northern mountains. Would you be able to look in areas such as the center, the center of the southern mountain range, the eastern part of the forest, and the eastern desert? Just let me know what works best for you, and I will do my best to adapt.
Yours Truly,
Bottlenose, for the Gnomes
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Dear King Stormthrower,
Our court includes an amateur historian who was convinced that the GI had relatively equal claim to the Mists and Amberland. He was a fool. We deeply apologize for not understanding the full benevolence of your offer. Be assured that such gestures will never be forgotten by the Red Warlock and that we are your friends till the end of this contest.
Several alliances seem to be forming around us. The center of the world may be a very dangerous place to try and live peacefully.
The Red Warlock.
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(10-26-2015, 04:19 PM)j2klbs Wrote: [RA-BL]
Well met Great Black Wyrm. The Rangers have long admired the strength and courage of your race and we hope to usher in a long lasting term of peace. I am hopeful that we can retain my child-hood town in the Southern Sands as it holds many fond memories of my youth. I am also hopeful that we can enter into a long term peace accord with each other. I humbly propose that we sign a treaty lasting through the Summer of 1101 with the option to renew if both parties agree. I trust all is well with you and your family and I hopefully look forward to forging a close friendship between our two peoples.
The Great Lord of Everything Between Land and Stars greets you, Human of the Wood. We are content to name you Viceroy of Synisvania and allow you to administer that poor land in Our Name. Your little town in the Great Sand, though a blemish on Perfection, is beneath Our notice and you may continue to visit so long as you do not make other trespass upon The Great Southern Sands of Our Birth. We shall revisit this decision during the next great heat and starving time.
General NAP in place through next Summer. No poaching or searching for treasures within the other's controlled region. We can discuss any trades or alliances at need.
Lord Diamond
Please do not take any of my comments as a personal insult or as a criticism of the game 'Alamaze', which I very much enjoy. Rather, I hope that my personal insight and unique perspective may, in some way, help make 'Alamaze' more fun, a more successful financial venture, or simply more sustainable as a long-term project. Anyone who reads this post should feel completely free to ignore, disregard, scorn, implement, improve, dispute, or otherwise comment upon its content.
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Noble Elf, we can only speak for the Ancients when we say we have no plans for the Elven woods, Because the we share the region with the troll likely your village will get consumed as we divide the lands. We mean your elf's no harm and will give them time to leave the village say three months time. I know not what the trolls plans are should they stumble on you village. We do hope you can understand. We can offer a pact of peace if you wish but it is no really required as we would only move to the forests if some events that have not yet shown themselves occurred.
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WA to the Dwarven King Under the Mountain,
Hail Great King!
It is not often that our two kingdoms interact except when evil threatens the land. During peaceful times our kingdom of mages and scholars are happy in our citadels playing with our books while your people delight in crawling around in cold dark tunnels underground. You ignore magic (or rather it ignores you!) and we delight in it. But whenever evil stalks the land, our two peoples - more often than not - have come to each other's aid.
For now, the Red Warlock only wishes to be left in peace but for that to happen we must have strong friends that will make any attacker think twice about carrying out their evil plans. To that end, we propose that our two peoples enter into a defensive pact , promising each other aid if attacked by our mutual neighbors.
If a defensive pact is more than you wish to contemplate, we can promise that in the coming period of violence in the lands of Alamaze we will not attempt to spread our influence to the lands of the Talking Mountains.
The Red Warlock
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WA to the Elven Queen of the Oak Forests,
Hail Great Queen!
It has been far too long since I have visited your fair lands and forest cities. And even longer since your majesty has graced our lands with your beauty! Ancient forces are stirring once again in Alamaze and it may be time for our peoples to once again communicate on matters of importance. Along with a request to send a delegation to Oakendell so that we may communicate in person about matters of mutual interest, including external threats to our lands, we would like to give advance notice of our intentions and propose an agreement.
As always, the Red Warlock wishes to be left in peace, but for that to happen strength is needed. Strong friends willing to come to each others aid can create strength and deter aggression. To that end, we propose that our two peoples enter into a defensive pact , promising each other aid if attacked by our mutual neighbors.
If a defensive pact is more than you wish to contemplate, we can promise that in the coming period of violence in the lands of Alamaze we will not attempt to spread our influence to the lands of the Forests of Oakendell if you can make a similar promise with regard to our fair lands of Amber.
We have heard rumors of a charming young elven lass who has been visiting the kingdoms of Alamaze carrying the Queen's messages. We would be delighted to entertain her and promise that she will be treated most kindly. We may even be able to teach her a spell or two!
The Red Warlock