Wells boys lets get this rolling. Lets have a fun and remember its a war game!!
Rulers in this Campaign:
Abbr Region Kingdom Ruled By
SO The Crown Islands (1) The Hidden Realm of the Sorcerer Lord Garth
GN Darkover (2) The Golden Principality of the Gnomes Canticar
IL The Diamond Coast (3) The Sphere of the Illusionist Windstar
SA Krynn (4) The Theocracy of the Sacred Order of Knights Brek
DW Triumvia (5) The Dwarven Lords of the Mountains Glowamane
AN Zanthia (6) The Secret Servants of the Ancient Ones Strylian
EL Nyvaria (7) The Evergreen Dominion of the High Elves Runigruth
DU The Sword Coast (8) The Domain of the Great Druid Eregnon the Black
LY Pellinor (9) The Vile Culture of the Lycans Zarashand
AL Zamora (10) The Experimental Studies of the Alchemist Rellgar
GI Mythgar (11) The Giants Above The Trembling Ground Vball Michael
FF The Untamed Lands (12) The Encompassing Realm of the Fairy Folk DuPont
And for those with OCD yes the chart above its not exactly lined up, im hoping it causes you fear and frustration and weakens your position in the upcoming campaign.
Rulers in this Campaign:
Abbr Region Kingdom Ruled By
SO The Crown Islands (1) The Hidden Realm of the Sorcerer Lord Garth
GN Darkover (2) The Golden Principality of the Gnomes Canticar
IL The Diamond Coast (3) The Sphere of the Illusionist Windstar
SA Krynn (4) The Theocracy of the Sacred Order of Knights Brek
DW Triumvia (5) The Dwarven Lords of the Mountains Glowamane
AN Zanthia (6) The Secret Servants of the Ancient Ones Strylian
EL Nyvaria (7) The Evergreen Dominion of the High Elves Runigruth
DU The Sword Coast (8) The Domain of the Great Druid Eregnon the Black
LY Pellinor (9) The Vile Culture of the Lycans Zarashand
AL Zamora (10) The Experimental Studies of the Alchemist Rellgar
GI Mythgar (11) The Giants Above The Trembling Ground Vball Michael
FF The Untamed Lands (12) The Encompassing Realm of the Fairy Folk DuPont
And for those with OCD yes the chart above its not exactly lined up, im hoping it causes you fear and frustration and weakens your position in the upcoming campaign.