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It actually frustrates me a little to hear that because the new Alamaze GUI system is fairly close to how Fall of Rome operated from what I understand.

The new GUI site uses dropdown lists which is a significant improvement for the players than digging thru the rulebook to fill out an order. I bet some of the newer players didn't even know that an agent can poison the food supplies of an opponent because 615 wasn't listed in the agent section of the rulebook. Well, that's no longer a problem because the user will be able to see all the commands possible for their characters in their appropriate dropdown list.

Since the map background is the biggest difference between the two games then just imagine that our new site has a map backdrop and it'll be fairly close to being the same kind of interaction for them when filling out their orders because the player will be using the same dropdown lists as now to issue their commands. So the experience of issuing commands for 3rd Cycle will be just about the same as Fall of Rome (just without the map backdrop).

Other similarities are that 3rd Cycle already has additional leader ranks (e.g., Lord Commander) and troop training levels (Green to Elite) that are just about the same as Fall of Rome. I can easily add more TAC selections to 3rd Cycle if Ry Vor wanted so that's not a problem. 3rd Cycle also has kingdom traits which are a nice improvement over Fall of Rome as well as new buildings to construct like a Temple or Hobbit Trading Company and medallions for leader decorations as shown here:

Fall of Rome mainly had humanoid troops but that's not an issue with Alamaze since we've already had games without Trolls or Dragons so if you're looking for the same kind of experience, you can have it. If Fall of Rome had bigger militaries then I can add a new variant called Conquest where the size of initial troops are doubled and groups have higher ranked leaders to start the game. If magic turns you off then we can have another variant called Mundane where kingdoms don't have any wizards for a pure military type of contest between players. Both of these variants and others are easy for me to do and can provide the same kind of experience as Fall of Rome did plus more.

So the 3rd Cycle version of Alamaze and the upcoming Kingdoms of Arcania game offers everything that Fall of Rome did but with greater variation being possible between games. We're actually working with a more advanced and sophisticated gaming platform than Fall of Rome so we can do everything that the older game did plus a whole lot more!

So I'd say, let the former Fall of Rome players give 3rd Cycle a chance and they'll see that it's fairly close to what their used to until I have the interactive map ready later this year/next year. Let me know if I'm wrong and I can change the code or GUI to get those players back. So no more talk of missing the good ole days because we're offering so much more with the upcoming releases of the game. If anyone feels differently then let me know and I can make the change to the software to accommodate everyone's wishes.

My comments were not meant to be disparaging. I am very excited with the direction you are headed and the vast improvements made. If Fall of Rome were fixed, I would play it in ADDITION to Alamaze, not instead. It did miss most of the crucial fantasy elements, but the game was very good all on its own.

Being able to do the turns right on the map was pretty darn cool, too.
 Lord Diamond

Please do not take any of my comments as a personal insult or as a criticism of the game 'Alamaze', which I very much enjoy. Rather, I hope that my personal insight and unique perspective may, in some way, help make 'Alamaze' more fun, a more successful financial venture, or simply more sustainable as a long-term project. Anyone who reads this post should feel completely free to ignore, disregard, scorn, implement, improve, dispute, or otherwise comment upon its content.


Other than the map, is there anything else that would attract the former Fall of Rome players to 3rd Cycle?

Ry Vor mentioned the historical reference element and we can add that fairly easily to 3rd Cycle. I just need new kingdom setups (seed files to generate the turn 0 files) and brigade statistical data and we can have a 3rd Cycle game using the exact same kingdoms and brigade names as Fall of Rome!

That was the point that I was trying to make, our new gaming platform is more advanced than Fall of Rome and can accommodate any version of the game -- even an exact match to Fall of Rome.

So let me know what's missing (other than the map) for those former players to return...

Well, if there's nothing else that's major to do than a hex/interactive map then it'll be easy to include Fall of Rome as a game variant for 3rd Cycle.

The seed files to setup a new variant will just Plug-n-Play into the new game engine and we'll be ready to go. I actually WANT to offer a Fall of Rome variant when 3rd Cycle is initially released to regain those players lost and perhaps gain new ones. It's actually that easy.

In addition to the Fall of Rome game variant, I want to add other variants/scenarios like Lord of the Rings where the forces of Good (Dunedain Rangers, Noldor Elves, Silvan Elves, Khazad Dwarves, ...), go against the forces of Evil (Orc, Goblin, Troll, ...).

We can offer an unlimited number of variants and scenarios with 3rd Cycle if we wanted, the new game engine is actually that slick.

Love. It!

Not to hurt anyone's feelings, but the historical setting didn't really do it for me. I like history, a lot, but the year 451 is not my favorite era. I much prefer fantasy. It was more fun when I pictured the Celts as Elves or the Thuringians as Paladins.

I'll have to actually play with your interface to give you a detailed comparison.
 Lord Diamond

Please do not take any of my comments as a personal insult or as a criticism of the game 'Alamaze', which I very much enjoy. Rather, I hope that my personal insight and unique perspective may, in some way, help make 'Alamaze' more fun, a more successful financial venture, or simply more sustainable as a long-term project. Anyone who reads this post should feel completely free to ignore, disregard, scorn, implement, improve, dispute, or otherwise comment upon its content.


If I were the Product Manager in Rick's company, I would have the following games and variants in the pipeline with all of them being available to play under the 3rd Cycle engine before the end of the year:
  • Alamaze - The Choosing (Aug '15 version)
  • Fall of Rome variant
  • Lord of the Rings variant
  • Game of Thrones variant
  • Star Frontiers (solid sci/fi game though Gamma World would probably more popular)
  • World War II/III variant
The last two would require some tweaking but as a manager, I would have the game setups and seed files designed and ready for use for the above 6 scenarios before developing an interactive map for Kingdoms of Arcania (which will take some time to do). Personally, I would expand the product line for Enlightened Age Entertainment in order to attract more players (including the Alamaze boardgame) than spend time refining The Choosing any further than the Aug '15 version which is pretty good as is but that's my humble opinion Smile

So, main thing is Mike has done great stuff.  The look of what he has cooking for 3rd Cycle is better than Fall of Rome.  The previous posts were just rolling out the history with Fall of Rome, nothing negative. 

I've had an awful couple of past few days - taking Mrs. Vor to the DFW airport at 5:30am, picking her up at the airport at 5:30am a few days later and then going to a urologist, having various skin cancers burned off by the dermatologist, too much info I suppose, and have a friend I haven't seen in five years coming in tomorrow.

I know and appreciate the enthusiasm for 3rd Cycle, and of everyone, it seems Mike is most anxious for it (me) to get finished.  It just seems everyday something sucks up my time.  Also spending hours trying to find how to recover the support and signup email folders.

I just can't go with "good enough".  I don't want a release with my name on it that isn't Game of the Year.  Selfish, I suppose.  I'm hoping for more feedback in the beta, but want to have all the pieces in place. 

We still have, and will continue to have, the game we all know and call 2nd Cycle.

New kingdom idea for 4th Cycle: The Urologists

New Order: Order 141 -- Send patrol to investigate unusual prostate
-This Khal Drogo, it's said he has a hundred thousand men in his horde

(10-15-2015, 09:08 PM)Drogo Wrote: New kingdom idea for 4th Cycle: The Urologists

New Order: Order 141 -- Send patrol to investigate unusual prostate

You should be drawn and quartered Smile
bananas (on the forums)
Arch-Mage of Entropy (in games)
             - Wanderer of Alamaze

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