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181 Anon
Congratulations to Frost Lord on his great victory today in anon Game 181 on turn 34 as the Elf. Only 6 SVC checks before one finally worked Smile. You are welcome, by the way. I figured when my Black Dragons hit the DA in Arcania and was taking him out of control, that it would likely mean your victory check would finally work.

But, well, the DA hit me early and, with help from the DE (not coordinated or nefarious, just timing was such that they hit me at the same time) nearly eliminated me, so I had to hit them both back.
Also, congratulations to LD on taking 2nd place, who was also probably very close to a victory of his own.

Victory By SVC Is The Elven Kingdom!

Game End Status Points

Place Kingdom Player Results-34 Grand Total

1 EL Frost Lord 15,010 23,335
2 DA Lord Diamond 12,340 21,685
3 BL Vball Michael 8,800 15,875
4 AN Canticar 7,900 14,175
5 DE Jhereg 5,300 11,752

Congrats Frost Lord 6 victory checks may be its own record.

Congrats to Vball and LD as well. Nice to see the DA make some noise.

This was the last of the games I had quite a while back. Though I think it had no effect on this game.

The only condition that I didn't have for victory was that I didn't have more regions than my natural enemy. I was trying hard to get my fourth region in the South Sands, but having to defend against the DE in Sysisvania and the Black in Arcania was a bit too much. I believe that I lost control by a single village and I was trying hard to get the region back. I kept hoping that the Ancient Ones or Dwarf would hit the Elf hard enough, but no such luck.

Congratulations to Frost Lord on his first podium finish and that one a win.
 Lord Diamond

Please do not take any of my comments as a personal insult or as a criticism of the game 'Alamaze', which I very much enjoy. Rather, I hope that my personal insight and unique perspective may, in some way, help make 'Alamaze' more fun, a more successful financial venture, or simply more sustainable as a long-term project. Anyone who reads this post should feel completely free to ignore, disregard, scorn, implement, improve, dispute, or otherwise comment upon its content.


I thought that I was going to win the turn I moved into Amberland, but the WA obliterated my army, killed half of my wizards and drove me out immediately.  I then sent everything I had to Torvale and thought I had it there, but the AN & WA both sent my emmies packing the turn I should have gained control.  My capital was on the border of Region 3 (and all of my barons had come home) so I decided to send everything into the Talking Mountains.  I did not issue a victory check there since I was not sure that I was getting control of region 3....and of course, I got control because the RD dropped.  I kicked myself in the butt every turn after that and resigned myself to issue a victory check every turn after that.  
The Frost Lord,
Centurion in the Military War College
Pioneer of Alamaze

Re-posting here.


Yay! It's finally over! Congrats Frost Lord. I'm so bummed that TM was the last region you took to win the game and that I couldn't give a better fight.

My first game in 20 some odd years started out by missing T1. This must have totally confused the RD to see no DW activity and I got very lucky in taking Hammerhold on T3. But I couldn't hold Hammerhold once the RD took control of the region and I spent the rest of the game relearning the rules of Alamaze through wasted orders (can't enamor enemy held region past Tolerant, etc). I managed to starve my army during the first winter and that didn't help things. I did have fun running around collecting trinkets:

Armor of Anon 53894 4th Dwarven Benevolent 200
Axe of Farin 81134 4th Dwarven Weapon 300
Crystal of Seeing 81365 4th Dwarven Covert 400
Elan, Flaming Sword of the North 96990 1st Dwarven Weapon 600
Palantir Ambalar 47837 1st Dwarven Covert 300
Ring of Protection 50563 Duchess Galiata Broomha Benevolent 200

There will be a place in the Dwarven legends telling the tales of the Dwarven heroes who repelled the dragon assaults on the Dwarven fortress-capital several times.

This was the first failed attempt on T13:

Attack by the 1st Red Dragon full army on the Dwarven town of Star Gift, located in area
AU of Talking Mountains:
The town defenders were able to successfully repel the Red Dragon
attack in Star Gift! Red Dragon casualties were put at 55%.

Reg Area Name Type Defense Census Food Gold Other
3 AU Star Gift Town 36,731 31,695 5,564 11,188 Capital

On T18:
The town defenders were able to successfully repel the Red Dragon attack in Star Gift! Red
Dragon casualties were put at 55%. Tragically, the Red Dragon Marshal II Firnok died of
his wounds.

On T22: (defense is 44k at this point)
The town defenders were able to successfully repel the Red Dragon attack in Star Gift! Red Dragon casualties were put at

On T24 I managed to put together a big enough army to take out the RD capital at the cost of 60% of my army. But it was fun!

Very fun game and good reintroduction. Congrats again!


I really enjoyed this game. Then I really hated this game. Then I really enjoyed this game again near the end and hated to see it end (but not enough to let it keep going).

First few turns, High Council went to the GN, RD, DE, RA, BL. Regions went: T3: DA got 6 and DE got 8. T4: GI got 2. T5: AN got 4, RA got 9, BL got 10. By turn 4, I was also scouting region 9 for invasion. T6: EL got 1, WA got 5. On T6, RA leading in status, BL in second and I got my first artifact (Shield).

T7: GN got 7. BL picked up an Axe.

T8-10. BL invading region 9, RA and SO fighting back. 1RA with 13 brigades vs 1BL with 7 brigades. I took my 9% hit and ran away. Got my ESO, now ready to hit region 9 in full with more brigades from reinforcement and from ESO, plus 2 new emissaries and 20 influence.

T11-15. Over this period, full invasion of 9. Killed lots of RA leaders and wizards and emissaries with agents and armies, turned 9 neutral on turn 12, took the region on turn 13. RA and SO fighting back, but RA does not have much left by end of turn 14. On turn 12, BL was status leader. As of turn 15, RA dropped, SO hostile in 9, and BL owns it solidly. Picked up 3 nice artifacts from RA.

T16-20. Terrible time for the BL. Nearly eliminated. Nearly dropped. DA invades 9 and DE invades 10. BL emissaries and agents assassinated. Lost region 9 on turn 17 and lost region 10 on turn 18. Perfect timing from DA and DE hitting almost together. (nothing nefarious, just bad luck for me on the timing). BL is suspicious or hostile in both regions, 3 kingdoms are voting against me on the HC, DA cleaning up 9 and DE cleaning up 10. On turn 18 I still lead in status points, but not on a good curve for holding that. Probably lost 10 emissaries, 5 leaders, 4 agents, and lots of troops in this period. The only saving grace was I had used my priestess to find pop centers in 7 and so I decided to try to sneak in there and take some stuff to survive and hopefully come back later for DE and/or DA.

T21-25. Am attacking region 7, but having trouble. The GN, RD and AN are all active, but I do have the advantage of surprise and of being the attacker. I failed 3 GN denigrates in a row. The DE is trying to kick me off the HC. My army has starved for 3 turns in a row, causing serious morale and attrition issues. Someone is stealing my artifacts. I was very close to giving up at this point. Finally, Turn 22 is my low point. BL is basically gone from regions 9 and 10 and I only own 5 pop centers in 7. My capital in 10 is under siege and I cannot stop it, lost 4 dukes in last 2 turns, army morale is about 77%. T22 was first failed EL victory check. BL capital fell on T24 and it relocated to Cradia, and I need to rebuild. T24, I have dropped to 3rd in status points. On T25, I hit GN capital, wipe out his army, get my artifacts back, get the region, GN drops. Finally, the bad season is ending, and I can try to rebuild. I do have a region, 6 artifacts, 20 brigades (but low morale and high attrition), a couple of P2 wizards, 3 emissaries, influence 18.

T26-31. Rebuilding. Killed some wyverns to fix attrition, rested and overfed to fix morale, recruiting more wyverns to build back up. Hired some emissaries, did some 799s and got Ring of Spells and Ring of Power so my top Wizard is P6. Also got Ring of Invisibility and 2 killing daggers, so my top two agents get up to 17 and 13, with killing artifacts on top. I took every pop center in 7 from RD, GN and AN. My goal is to go hit Arcania after I rebuild and get my T30 reinforcements. During this period, I did use my agents to kill DE level 7 agent and level 9 agent, steal Wizard Slayer from DA, killed DE level 2 agent and governor, DE king killed on T30, DE level 3 agent, DE level 4 agent and DE level 15 fanatic. In this time, the DA has taken region 8 from the DE and owns almost everything in Arcania. EL fails another victory check on T31 (probably because DA just got 3rd region to tie up ownership with the EL).

T32-34. Ok, do I attack DA in Arcania? His owning 3 regions is likely only thing keeping EL from victory. Yes, I do. I need to continue to pay the DE and DA back for their crimes against the peace-loving and innocent BL. Over these 3 turns, BL is taking towns and villages from DA and DE, killing lots of DA and DE folks (count, baron, governor, governor, governor, Power 6 wizard, and lots of low level agents). AN takes region 5 and EL keeps failing victory checks. On Turn 34, the DA used 2 domes to frustrate my military but fortunately my 2 emissaries took villages to make Arcania go neutral. This allowed the EL victory check to succeed finally. I think those DA domes would have turned the tide against my invasion, so I am glad I helped end the game then. Was fortunate to end the game with 10 nice artifacts and a 3rd place podium spot.
Congratulations to all 5 kingdoms that survived to turn 34, and to the two Lords (FL and LD) on their podium spots.

Game details are attached.

Attached Files
.pdf   End of Game Details - Game 181 - 12222015.pdf (Size: 238.41 KB / Downloads: 5)
 Lord Diamond

Please do not take any of my comments as a personal insult or as a criticism of the game 'Alamaze', which I very much enjoy. Rather, I hope that my personal insight and unique perspective may, in some way, help make 'Alamaze' more fun, a more successful financial venture, or simply more sustainable as a long-term project. Anyone who reads this post should feel completely free to ignore, disregard, scorn, implement, improve, dispute, or otherwise comment upon its content.


Looks like I missed out on beating up on some BL.

I decided early on that I was going to be the ‘poor man’s Underworld’ in this game. To that end, I really went crazy with my agent development. I didn’t have any solid targets and chose to spend the first part of the contest hunting down artifacts and building up. I kept waiting for someone to start something with me, but all of my neighbors seemed occupied with their own concerns. The Black Dragon did catch my eye after he gained control of Synisvania and I assumed that I would be his next target. I figured I would strike first and at least fight the war in someone else’s region; that strategy worked anyway, as I only ever lost a single town in Eastern Steppes and that only temporarily.

    There was one amusing incident early on. I arrived at a Superior Sighting in Arcania (PN) invisibly only to discover that the Giant and Demon Prince also had groups there! They knew about the other, but not about me. I beat the odds and escaped with the Orb of Anti-Magic. They both probably spent the game thinking that the other had snagged it.

    My victory conditions were to control three regions, more regions than the Elf, and 6 quality 12 fleets in two different seas. I was fairly confident that if I could control three regions, the Elf would not. I actually took that logic from a post that Lord Thanatos made shortly before this game began and it made sense. Wrong! He got his 3rd region the turn before I did.

    I was also confident in being able to get fleets in two seas. Well, the Elf destroyed my two fleets in the Sea of Terror and I couldn’t figure out how to get a pc along that sea without starting a war on a second front; with the Elf in control, send a noble wasn’t going to work. I wasn’t too worried because Arcania would have fleets on the Sea of Foreboding and my faulty map even showed one. Wrong again! Luckily for me, I noted a Demon Prince agent doing a recon of area PK. That turned out to be a Warlock town guarded by a count. I had to enamor down to friendly, send my own count, and assassinate the poor Warlock noble in order to build my fleets.

    I attacked Synisvania and immediately picked up two enemies at once; the Black Dragon and the Sorcerer. The BL really didn’t put up a fight and now I realize that it was because he was also being ravaged by the Demon Prince. The Sorcerer didn’t cave in, but he didn’t prove to be much of an obstacle either, at least no more of an obstacle than a chuck of beef is to a meat grinder. He was clearly suffering from previous wars and had not been able to build up. I actually would have happily avoided him in Synisvania had he not arrived at Jukanta with an army the turn I took control of it. Except for that, I would have left him in peace.

    The Demon Prince was doing very well by the time I obtained control of Synisvania and my recons of his towns found lots of nobles near my border. I was convinced that he was planning to invade and his immediate attack into Synisvania when I did attack both Arcania and Southern Sands confirmed my suspicions.

    My wizards and their Domes served me well against the Demon Prince in Sysnisvania. While he was able to take some pcs, he could never take enough to knock me out of control. With my assassins doing their thing, I was able to take back my pcs with governors and barons.

    The Black counter attack into Arcania was very unwelcome and it distracted me from invading Southern Sands like I wished. I did take Vanasheen on the last turn and was making some strides with my surviving nobles, but I couldn’t stay ahead of the Black in Arcania. I even moved my only two P-7s there to stymie his advance while hiring new governors. It was too little with the Elf sweeping across the north.

Darkelven Murders & Executions

T16 Black Dragon Prince Dronekan
T17 Black Dragon Agent 11
T18 2nd Sorcerer Power-3 Zalkalzar
T18 2nd Sorcerer Power-2 Anizikia
T19 2nd Sorcerer Power-2 Ulitan
T19 Black Dragon Duke Philkanor
T20 2nd Sorcerer Power-3 Slyndrax
T20 2nd Sorcerer General Raurcon
T20 2nd Sorcerer General Denox
T21 2nd Sorcerer Power-3 Yagoris
T21 2nd Sorcerer Power-2 Avida
T23 Demon Princes Demon Prince Mammon
T23 Demon Princes Governor VENOM
T23 Demon Princes Governor VLAD
T25 Warlock Count Skydran Windcrest
T25 Demon Princes Demon Princess Set
T25 Demon Princes Governor GRASP
T27 Demon Princes Power-6 Jmidad
T28 1st Demon Princes Power-4 Ranisan
T29 Demon Princes Baron Mez Planzana
T29 Demon Princes Demon Prince Gargauth
T29 Demon Princes Prince LORD CROSS
T30 Demon Princes Prince CLEAR
T32 3rd Demon Princes Power-5 Oranver
T34 Demon Princes Governor GOVNER

                                      In Memorium
                             Emissaries No Longer at Court

             Title                Name                    Turn Lost

            Priestess            LOLTH                       13
            Priestess            WEBMISTRESS                 20
            Agent 15             Iffel Bladekrin             23
            Fanatic 15           Silver Mongoose             28
            Agent 15             ONYX                        29
            Duke                 Zale Kalon                  29
            Agent 1              LANTERN                     30
            Baroness             ANLURYN                     32
            Fanatic 15           Black Widow                 32
            Governess            CHENZIRA                    32
            Princess             Junna Reflor                32
            Countess             The Promised One            32
            Agent 1              CANDLE                      33
            Governess            URLDRA                      33
P-3 Wizard lost to the evil murdering Demon Prince
P-6 Wizard lost to my ineptitude when he cast 101 against the wrong group!

This was a fun game. Congrats to all the survivors!
 Lord Diamond

Please do not take any of my comments as a personal insult or as a criticism of the game 'Alamaze', which I very much enjoy. Rather, I hope that my personal insight and unique perspective may, in some way, help make 'Alamaze' more fun, a more successful financial venture, or simply more sustainable as a long-term project. Anyone who reads this post should feel completely free to ignore, disregard, scorn, implement, improve, dispute, or otherwise comment upon its content.


Yikes!  "Survivors" seems like the right word!

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