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Victory By Usurper Is The Pirates Kingdom!
Game End Status Points
Place Kingdom Player Results-29 Grand Total
- 1 PI Atuan 15,115 21,944
2 NE Imperial Tark 12,390 18,083
3 TY Jumpingfist 11,480 17,487
4 HA Damelon 10,600 17,100
5 LI Cloud 7,820 14,115
6 EL Tomag Ironfist 6,410 11,416
7 AN Devildog 1,600 5,325
I will put together a write up later but congrats to all for an exciting contest.
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Sneaky little pirate bastard! Coming out of nowhere! And all this time we were allied I thought I was using you ..... little did I know!
Nice to see the PI kingdom reach gold!
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Wow! The Pirates got a Gold. Very impressive!
The Frost Lord,
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(08-19-2016, 04:27 PM)Atuan Wrote: Victory By Usurper Is The Pirates Kingdom!
Game End Status Points
Place Kingdom Player Results-29 Grand Total
- 1 PI Atuan 15,115 21,944
2 NE Imperial Tark 12,390 18,083
3 TY Jumpingfist 11,480 17,487
4 HA Damelon 10,600 17,100
5 LI Cloud 7,820 14,115
6 EL Tomag Ironfist 6,410 11,416
7 AN Devildog 1,600 5,325
I will put together a write up later but congrats to all for an exciting contest.
Congrats Atuan, oh Ascendant One. Also, congrats for doing it with the Pirates, happy to hear it. Way to go Tark, and kudos to JF for the Tyrant. The Gray Mouser tells me the Tyrant can be strong, but you better bring your A game in terms of organization and planning. Some of it is part of the randomness of the setup. There is dispersed, and then, there is DISPERSED.
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(08-19-2016, 05:28 PM)Frost Lord Wrote: Atuan is on a may be time to see what the Halflings can bring to the table. :-)
If he can win with the Pirates, I think he can do it. Seriously, Atuan is on track to being one of the best Alamaze players.
Lord Diamond
Please do not take any of my comments as a personal insult or as a criticism of the game 'Alamaze', which I very much enjoy. Rather, I hope that my personal insight and unique perspective may, in some way, help make 'Alamaze' more fun, a more successful financial venture, or simply more sustainable as a long-term project. Anyone who reads this post should feel completely free to ignore, disregard, scorn, implement, improve, dispute, or otherwise comment upon its content.
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Congrats to Atuan and his awesome win with the Pirates! Also, well done to NE and TY!
I had a great time playing banker ... and I think it's not a coincidence that my best client won  !
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08-19-2016, 11:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-19-2016, 11:30 PM by Ry Vor.)
(08-19-2016, 06:01 PM)mafmiller Wrote: HA
Congrats to Atuan and his awesome win with the Pirates! Also, well done to NE and TY!
I had a great time playing banker ... and I think it's not a coincidence that my best client won !
Perhaps more advice on how to have fun with the Halflings? It seems to be the scariest position to have.
The Gray Mouser should probably take them in his next encounter. Meanwhile, some advice to would-be Halfling Kings would be helpful. They should be a fun kingdom in a diplomacy game, especially as a change of pace. When you have the Halflings, there is no Gnome, so you can establish markets. What was it in Scarface? "First you get the money, then you get the girls, then you get the power?"
Should girls be introduced in the next release?
Gray Mouser should join the Forum only diplomacy game as Halfling. Wouldn't it be perfect for him to be the "bank" publicly in a game?
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I'm not sure it would work in a Forum Only diplomacy game. Everyone would know all the deals you were making.
My goal at first was really just to survive. It wouldn't have worked if a kingdom had decided to go after me right away, before I could develop my client list, but diplomacy is my strength and I relied on that. It was key that the Tyrant agreed to go along from the start ... thanks, JF! The Pirate ... thanks, Atuan! ... was my second client. He saw the usefulness of Trick of the Trade in developing huge economies. Once no one went after me for a few turns, it was too risky for anyone to target me after that ... my client list was secret even to other members, so a kingdom couldn't know how many others would back me up if I were attacked. This left me in a terrific position to just develop (my favorite thing to do in Alamaze anyway!). I had about twenty atifacts and over a million gold in my treasury at the end. I don't think it would be possible to win this way. I was shooting for third, but didn't quite make it. I should have bought and raised even more agents. I knew the game was near an end, and was very tempted to steal artifacts from NE (my only non-client) this last turn to boost my score and lower his. I had four or five of them in my sights ... and with several high-level thieves could have accomplished it ... but, I just couldn't end it that way.
So ... the beginning and middle were a lot of fun ... at least if you enjoy the kind of game I do .... The end did get a little boring.
Altogether ... great game!
I have an idea how to do something similar with another kingdom, but that will be revealed in time! :-)
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08-20-2016, 03:40 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-20-2016, 03:47 AM by Atuan.)
When this game started, Usurper was just 5 substantial. I started by talking to everyone that had water around them. I knew I would work with the TY, he would be the muscle and I would assist him with agents and mages. Letting him have the regions while I gained substantial. I arranged deals with the EL/NE/AM/AT/LI regarding either additional PCs, starting PCs or water rights. Unfortunately the SA and I cannot come to agreeable terms in regards to Avalon so he is our first target. By the time turn 1 hits I have negotiated 6 additional PCs besides my starting 5 have a lengthy agreement with the HA and pretty much have singled out our direction to be 5,8,10 and potentially 3. The rest of the board is some how pacted out.
I gain the first council seat and 2-3 turns of influence. Avalon is mine by turn 3, and the SA doesn't have Evanon due to sleeps and status quos. By turn 5 the SA capital has been taken by the TY and shortly there after the SA drops and we start plotting the demise of the RA. The issue is around this time the TY loses 2 turns to gremlins. Turn 8 the TY gains Amberland and finally all regions are controlled. Turn 9 we start the invasion of the RA while the rest of the kingdoms are in build up phase.
By Turn 13 the TY has released 4 of my emissaries as they seem to be captured at every turn by military. Torvale has gone to the EL and I have picked up another village there. My agents are starting to grow and I have claimed the head of the ranger regent. I collect the region by turn 16, we have already determined to move against the AN, divined his PCs and found his hidden capital. Over the next 2 turns emissaries are put into his PCs. Turn 19 the Sands goes neutral while I capture 2 of his high level agents. Unfortunately the EL starts his war with the TY at this point and that forces the TY to withdraw from the Sands. Not exactly a good spot and the LI has been cruising taking the Steppes and the Mountains. My first thoughts are, wow this game is over but lets try to raise our status point total up.
Over the next 6 turns I proceed to capture almost every AN emissary. 2 counsels, 3 dukes, 2 barons. And the NE has started to fight back the LI. I have one agent up north taking out LI wizards(I hit 3 total with him and a count). I win a battle with the AN where he has an invisible group and kill 3 of his high level wizards.
Turn 26 I gain the Sands and now have 2 regions, substantial in another and 2 significant. The TY and I agree I will take a couple of torvale PCs from him while he goes and destroys a few PCs in Oakendell. The interesting portion here is I have been using about 10 Standing Orders raising census in region 1 and 4. By turn 29 when the game ends Torvale has the most census of any region. One town owned by a "banker" has a census of over 73k and I have one at 55k. Over the course of the game I spend over 80 orders raising census in key regions.
At the end of the game I have an Influence of 25. Emissaries K,P,D,B,B,B,B,B,G,G,F,F, HP. Agents 17,17,17,17,14,13,12,9,3,2 Wizards 7,6,5,5,5,5 One group worth 50k with 2 Warlords and a Marshal. My fleets basically didnt exist.
I want to thank the TY my ally for his help, direction and giving me the option to finish the game. The HA for trading, he ensured by around turn 10 I would never think about money again. The EL for our early arrangements, while his attacks on the TY hurt and I had to sit by and watch, the early game and extra intel were invaluable. The NE.. yes Imp you were using me, but I needed you to slow down the LI for me to have a chance and winning. So sending one assassin your way worked in my best interests. To the AN... thank you for the laughs, your governor meano was a fantastic name and I enjoyed the back and forth contest.
Atuan - The Bilge Rat.