05-15-2021, 02:22 AM
(05-14-2021, 12:43 PM)Ry Vor Wrote:(05-14-2021, 11:39 AM)unclemike Wrote: Actually, we did have a slugfest game when this special version was introduced and it was brutal. Regions started out with two kingdoms so you're going to have conflict right away on who's going to get control of the region or decide an even split. If even split then others see that as a vulnerability and ripe for the taking since both kingdoms are weakened.
Also, expansion into your next region occurs much earlier than a normal game so expect a faster-paced and hard fought game in the early going. It'll be a challenge for some kingdoms which take a while to get going (e.g., wizard types) but if you know what you are doing or want a challenge, go for a magic kingdom and good luck.
As for the feasibility of a slugfest game, I believe the game queue already has this functionality so the game setup will be automated as usual. No custom game setup is necessary but Rick will decide any setup costs associated with this game format.
The biggest problem is finding 20 people who want a brutal slugfest experience instead of a more peaceful and gentle game where they can grow and do other things like find artifacts or build recruiting forces up to massive levels before heading out...
If Mike wants to ride herd on this, let's go ahead and give it a try. I don't recall a 20 player game: why was it 20 players instead of 24 positions, which could be 12 players each with two kingdoms? I'm surprised the 20 players is not a problem because we wanted to make Primeval 6 players instead of 5 with the change to 13 regions and that seemed to not be practical.
The reason for 20 players is its 3rd cycle and there's only 10 regions. 2 kingdoms per region.