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2nd Forum Only Diplomacy
NO - Hilarious. Where was all of this self righteousness when the SA apparently invaded Torvale and the TY went after the GN. All of you guys up north babbling on about how you won't like it if I take a few measly pop centers from the SA. Boo hoo. The facts are that I've kept all of my agreements and the only one who might end up breaking one is the Ranger - and that agreement started way before the one he has with the Sacred Order. Now if you'll recall, it was the Sacred Order who originally bullied me and insulted my King back on turn 4. I acquiesed to that. I enjoyed my good relations with my neighbors the RA and LI and secured those borders. Naturally I need to expand.

I'll do what I wish and am glad to have the Warlock on my side. You can all choose to do what you will, after all - it's a wargame. I may take some of the SA centers, and I may not. But I certainly won't be telling everyone here what I plan to do.

NO-NE: Not sure where you would find "under the table dealings", the only communication allowed is on the forum and no one has broken that with me. Your even mentioning it is an insult. We don't fear you, so you can think whatever you want. Seems hypocritical at best to say you hold honor high and insinuate others don't.

NO- DE : Lord of the Seven Hells. Would love to discuss how we might work together in the coming turns. I'm sure you've been growing your strength and watching these discussions with interest. Apparently we might have a large conflict in the world soon- and I think the Warlock and I would like to have you on our side. Lots of territory up for grabs if it comes to blows.

NO- LI : Can I count on my neighbors to the north to continue our peaceful relations and perhaps even lend aid against the potential cohort of wizards attacking me?

NO- PI : Can I secure some favors from you? I would be willing to pay in gold for some of your high level agents. May need to assassinate some pesky wizards in the coming turns. Also, could I pay you to run a sea patrol in the sea of foreboding if necessary? At the beginning of the game I offered you a village in the Sands. That offer stands if it will influence you to aid us should it be necessary.

(DU) - NO  The Lord of the Forest is enjoying seeing the Nomad scramble.  He notes the Sand King opted to pick on someone when he knew that king was attacking elsewhere rather than face him head on.  He believes the NO should head back to the sands, or the Lord of the Forest will visit.  While you don't fear the eater of dead, The Lord of the Forest believes you are concerned about himself.  Should you expand into Amberland while the holy man is out, the sands will become desolate. Should you expand later when the holy man is home, by all means enjoy and we will be entertained by the outcome.

(DU) - PI We enjoy our current relations.  It appears we might have need of our agents and the current expansion option might end up not providing additional PCs for you.  We have heard rumors of ships able to sail upon the deserts.  Therefore we expand our current arrangement to include all of the sands we control.  And hopes you will be able to learn the secret of sand ships we have heard rumors about.

(10-09-2016, 11:13 PM)Acererak Wrote: NO - Hilarious. Where was all of this self righteousness when the SA apparently invaded Torvale and the TY went after the GN. All of you guys up north babbling on about how you won't like it if I take a few measly pop centers from the SA. Boo hoo. The facts are that I've kept all of my agreements and the only one who might end up breaking one is the Ranger - and that agreement started way before the one he has with the Sacred Order. Now if you'll recall, it was the Sacred Order who originally bullied me and insulted my King back on turn 4. I acquiesed to that. I enjoyed my good relations with my neighbors the RA and LI and secured those borders. Naturally I need to expand.

I'll do what I wish and am glad to have the Warlock on my side. You can all choose to do what you will, after all - it's a wargame. I may take some of the SA centers, and I may not. But I certainly won't be telling everyone here what I plan to do.

NO-NE: Not sure where you would find "under the table dealings", the only communication allowed is on the forum and no one has broken that with me. Your even mentioning it is an insult. We don't fear you, so you can think whatever you want. Seems hypocritical at best to say you hold honor high and insinuate others don't.

NO- DE : Lord of the Seven Hells. Would love to discuss how we might work together in the coming turns. I'm sure you've been growing your strength and watching these discussions with interest. Apparently we might have a large conflict in the world soon- and I think the Warlock and I would like to have you on our side. Lots of territory up for grabs if it comes to blows.

NO- LI : Can I count on my neighbors to the north to continue our peaceful relations and perhaps even lend aid against the potential cohort of wizards attacking me?

NO- PI : Can I secure some favors from you? I would be willing to pay in gold for some of your high level agents. May need to assassinate some pesky wizards in the coming turns. Also, could I pay you to run a sea patrol in the sea of foreboding if necessary? At the beginning of the game I offered you a village in the Sands. That offer stands if it will influence you to aid us should it be necessary.

SA-NO  do we have an agreement? I understand you weren't happy about what happened on month 4 and we were not at all proud of our actions, but it needed to be done. This is one of the many reasons we have given you a more than fare counter offer. You have technically honored all your agreements thus far and wish that you accept my offer and not let the words from other kingdoms lead you to an emotional base decision that would not be in your best interest. Which is precisely what they hope to do. 
  The village in Amberland I'll gift to you is Pirate's cove, which you are familiar with and ready to take control of immediately. The other 2 villages in Torvale can be reached from your Torvale village.  

  It seems to me that all of us strong military Kingdom's will be at a great disadvantage against the Strong magic kingdom's with there Wizard's as the months go by and therefore should not be fighting amongst ourselves,  but instead against the Wizard kingdom's and there unstoppable magics. 

Rellgar the Great

(PI) We Pirates are open to all offers, but remember I will honer my prior agreements.  Just remember, all your requests are in the open for all to see, so you might need to become creative in job description.

NE > NO I can do nothing for you! You alone chose to block yourself off from expansion with your NAPS. Now that someone else see's a potential threat from your expansion into Amberland, and calls you out on on it you cry foul. Under the table made no reference to any conversations outside of these forums, it only implies that you formed a string of NAPS that forced your neighbors to look elsewhere for expansion. The WA has a nap with me, the DE and a treaty with you. I think this forces him into Amberland. The DE has been quiet, and accepted a nap only with the WA. Protecting his back, smart if you ask me. He has many options open, even the NE is he so choose's. You seem to fear the TY, as you could have moved West into the Mede for expansion against a military rival. You did not choose this path. You laid out your plans as we in the North have also. Mine includes keeping the Center of the map unviolated. I moved Emmies into Amberland, and Torvale, the ones in Torvale took 1 Village, those in Amberland moved into Avalon. Being a relatively new, buy returning player, who has also played in some Pegasus games dating back to the 90's, I forgot to insure that the TY hadn't made Avalon his Capitol. He had and I lost a Prince and a Duke(both escaped) trying to usurp it. As for the SA, he chose to avoid attacking the kingdoms of the North and chose Torvale, I'm sure for it's plains hexes. This IS a war game, and I made my intentions clear. I.m enjoying our chats.

(PI) We have land, sea, and Air ships, and all sorts of special items from all different eras with special names.  That being said, Can we as a nation not all go to war with each other especially with those all across the map? If Torvell and the SO is being attacked, empires need to speak up.  I do not know who attacked region 4, but if no one comes out and claims to defend it and/or attack it means to me that region 4 is now open for other to expand into?  I hope some empires start staking claims of the lands in region 4 or maybe to prevent war, some northern and southern kingdoms could divide it up.  Why cross the great lands when land no one is claiming just sits there with no war fighting needed? Please world Alamaze, claim your lost region.

(10-10-2016, 12:26 AM)RELLGAR Wrote:
(10-09-2016, 11:13 PM)Acererak Wrote: NO - Hilarious. Where was all of this self righteousness when the SA apparently invaded Torvale and the TY went after the GN. All of you guys up north babbling on about how you won't like it if I take a few measly pop centers from the SA. Boo hoo. The facts are that I've kept all of my agreements and the only one who might end up breaking one is the Ranger - and that agreement started way before the one he has with the Sacred Order. Now if you'll recall, it was the Sacred Order who originally bullied me and insulted my King back on turn 4. I acquiesed to that. I enjoyed my good relations with my neighbors the RA and LI and secured those borders. Naturally I need to expand.

I'll do what I wish and am glad to have the Warlock on my side. You can all choose to do what you will, after all - it's a wargame. I may take some of the SA centers, and I may not. But I certainly won't be telling everyone here what I plan to do.

NO-NE: Not sure where you would find "under the table dealings", the only communication allowed is on the forum and no one has broken that with me. Your even mentioning it is an insult. We don't fear you, so you can think whatever you want. Seems hypocritical at best to say you hold honor high and insinuate others don't.

NO- DE : Lord of the Seven Hells. Would love to discuss how we might work together in the coming turns. I'm sure you've been growing your strength and watching these discussions with interest. Apparently we might have a large conflict in the world soon- and I think the Warlock and I would like to have you on our side. Lots of territory up for grabs if it comes to blows.

NO- LI : Can I count on my neighbors to the north to continue our peaceful relations and perhaps even lend aid against the potential cohort of wizards attacking me?

NO- PI : Can I secure some favors from you? I would be willing to pay in gold for some of your high level agents. May need to assassinate some pesky wizards in the coming turns. Also, could I pay you to run a sea patrol in the sea of foreboding if necessary? At the beginning of the game I offered you a village in the Sands. That offer stands if it will influence you to aid us should it be necessary.

SA-NO  do we have an agreement? I understand you weren't happy about what happened on month 4 and we were not at all proud of our actions, but it needed to be done. This is one of the many reasons we have given you a more than fare counter offer. You have technically honored all your agreements thus far and wish that you accept my offer and not let the words from other kingdoms lead you to an emotional base decision that would not be in your best interest. Which is precisely what they hope to do. 
  The village in Amberland I'll gift to you is Pirate's cove, which you are familiar with and ready to take control of immediately. The other 2 villages in Torvale can be reached from your Torvale village.  

  It seems to me that all of us strong military Kingdom's will be at a great disadvantage against the Strong magic kingdom's with there Wizard's as the months go by and therefore should not be fighting amongst ourselves,  but instead against the Wizard kingdom's and there unstoppable magics. 

Rellgar the Great

NO - SA: Very well. I'll take the deal. You speak logically. Can you let me know where those two villages are compared to my current Torvale village? This can also give us a NAP until turn 20.

(10-10-2016, 02:11 AM)Acererak Wrote:
(10-10-2016, 12:26 AM)RELLGAR Wrote:
(10-09-2016, 11:13 PM)Acererak Wrote: NO - Hilarious. Where was all of this self righteousness when the SA apparently invaded Torvale and the TY went after the GN. All of you guys up north babbling on about how you won't like it if I take a few measly pop centers from the SA. Boo hoo. The facts are that I've kept all of my agreements and the only one who might end up breaking one is the Ranger - and that agreement started way before the one he has with the Sacred Order. Now if you'll recall, it was the Sacred Order who originally bullied me and insulted my King back on turn 4. I acquiesed to that. I enjoyed my good relations with my neighbors the RA and LI and secured those borders. Naturally I need to expand.

I'll do what I wish and am glad to have the Warlock on my side. You can all choose to do what you will, after all - it's a wargame. I may take some of the SA centers, and I may not. But I certainly won't be telling everyone here what I plan to do.

NO-NE: Not sure where you would find "under the table dealings", the only communication allowed is on the forum and no one has broken that with me. Your even mentioning it is an insult. We don't fear you, so you can think whatever you want. Seems hypocritical at best to say you hold honor high and insinuate others don't.

NO- DE : Lord of the Seven Hells. Would love to discuss how we might work together in the coming turns. I'm sure you've been growing your strength and watching these discussions with interest. Apparently we might have a large conflict in the world soon- and I think the Warlock and I would like to have you on our side. Lots of territory up for grabs if it comes to blows.

NO- LI : Can I count on my neighbors to the north to continue our peaceful relations and perhaps even lend aid against the potential cohort of wizards attacking me?

NO- PI : Can I secure some favors from you? I would be willing to pay in gold for some of your high level agents. May need to assassinate some pesky wizards in the coming turns. Also, could I pay you to run a sea patrol in the sea of foreboding if necessary? At the beginning of the game I offered you a village in the Sands. That offer stands if it will influence you to aid us should it be necessary.

SA-NO  do we have an agreement? I understand you weren't happy about what happened on month 4 and we were not at all proud of our actions, but it needed to be done. This is one of the many reasons we have given you a more than fare counter offer. You have technically honored all your agreements thus far and wish that you accept my offer and not let the words from other kingdoms lead you to an emotional base decision that would not be in your best interest. Which is precisely what they hope to do. 
  The village in Amberland I'll gift to you is Pirate's cove, which you are familiar with and ready to take control of immediately. The other 2 villages in Torvale can be reached from your Torvale village.  

  It seems to me that all of us strong military Kingdom's will be at a great disadvantage against the Strong magic kingdom's with there Wizard's as the months go by and therefore should not be fighting amongst ourselves,  but instead against the Wizard kingdom's and there unstoppable magics. 

Rellgar the Great

NO - SA: Very well. I'll take the deal. You speak logically. Can you let me know where those two villages are compared to my current Torvale village? This can also give us a NAP until turn 20.
SA-NO from your currently owned Torvale village, one village is west 2 squares south 2 squares, the other is west 5 squares and north 5 squares. I'm not making anymore NAP's or treaties at this time. 

To All Kingdom's, the main reason for my taking of PC's in Torvale was no responce or communications was received from the Sorcerer for a couple of month's and my troops were allready near after leaving Oakendell. Having lots of plains and the fact that potential powerful wizards are training there and was an opportunity to defeat them before there power becomes to great.

Rellgar the Great

NO - Fair enough.

NE > GN You have been oh so silent as we discuss world issues. I know you have a piece of Torvale, and am loath to take it from you as long as your struggle against the TY continues. Please answer how goes your struggle, or do you intend to stay through turn 12, and then cede the Mede to the TY?

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