(09-10-2023, 03:05 AM)RELLGAR Wrote: 2 drops, both new players. Never did a turn.
haniasultan had been signed up for a while, if memory serves me correctly. They may have been signed up, before I started playing in Game 5684.
foyino7214, I'm less sure about.
I don't know either of them, as far as I know. And when player names do not match forum user names, I have no real way to contact them. As far as I know and am aware, neither of them were signed up for the forum (unless they did so under other monikers). Even since this game first launched and got started, neither of them communicated with others on the forum (unless it was with someone that I'm not aware of). All things considered, I'm no really surprised. In general, though, how long do any of us think than an average person is likely to wait for a game that they signed up for to start?
AlwaysFPS, Lord Luty the Loyal, and Lord Shadow are PBM gamers, if I am not mistaken. I don't know if AlwaysFPS is issuing turn orders for his position, but the other two, they likely are. My Dwarven kingdom in this game just attacked -
and lost a battle to - one of Lord Shadow's Lizard military groups, in the turn that just got processed - Turn #3. It was a small battle between small forces. His group had more characters in it than mine. Why did I attack it? Well, it was nosing around in my region, and it ended up landing atop a neutral population centers where I already had a group located at. More importantly, I felt that, hopefully, getting attacked early on might ignite a greater spark of interest in new Alamaze player, Lord Shadow. This is actually the first military battle that I have fought in Alamaze, if memory serves me correctly.
Lord Luty the Loyal is this fellow:
Luty has been playing PBM games since the dawn of PBM time (or thereabouts). Now, that's no guarantee that he'll stay long term, of course. He's likely checking Alamaze out, and taking advantage of thee fact that one can currently play Alamaze for free.
Due to me posting and mentioning haniasultan back on 08-23-2023, I know for a fact that haniasultan was signed up by or before then (it was before). See that posting by me mentioning haniasultan here:
And what is a question that I ask in that posting? It was this,
"Why does it take so long for new games of Alamaze to start?"