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195 - Forum Diplomacy Steel Rex
(10-27-2015, 09:14 PM)VballMichael Wrote: Interesting issue arises on two fronts. Diplomacy must be public, but I am thinking specific information does not need to be?
For instance, some folks are swapping pop centers. Surely, they need not tell the entire world where those are, but only the trading partner.
Second, the UN will provide services for a price. Surely, one does not tell the world that Baron Yufonsis at CS should be killed next turn. That would be not so useful.
Just thinking out loud here....

OOC: The agreed-upon concept is that everything is public, there is no private communication (e.g. phone calls, swapped turns, e-mails, texts, whatever) at all.  This includes swapped pop centers and spells and agent missions.

And yes, that will make some things challenging, but the alternative is effectively the same type of coordination that's available in full diplomacy games, which tends to lead to brutally efficient 3v1 and 4v1 gangups of the type that I know you yourself (along with many others) dislike.

Thus, any coordination will tend to be high-level (e.g. "you search the west and I'll search the east" or "let's both crush our mutual enemy... OK cool" or "how about an alliance or mutual defense pact") rather than detailed ("please sleep DR emissary AB at location NN" or "here's the list of towns, I'll take the list of villages").  Or rather, the detailed coordination can still happen, but the cost is that everyone (including your intended target) is aware of it.

(10-27-2015, 09:14 PM)VballMichael Wrote: Interesting issue arises on two fronts. Diplomacy must be public, but I am thinking specific information does not need to be?
For instance, some folks are swapping pop centers. Surely, they need not tell the entire world where those are, but only the trading partner.
Second, the UN will provide services for a price. Surely, one does not tell the world that Baron Yufonsis at CS should be killed next turn. That would be not so useful.
Just thinking out loud here....

This is a good point.  Perhaps I will do lots of recon and simply provide a list of targets that can be bid on - no name or location, just a rank, kingdom and minimum bid.


(10-27-2015, 09:38 PM)Thudargh Wrote:
(10-27-2015, 09:14 PM)VballMichael Wrote: Interesting issue arises on two fronts. Diplomacy must be public, but I am thinking specific information does not need to be?
For instance, some folks are swapping pop centers. Surely, they need not tell the entire world where those are, but only the trading partner.
Second, the UN will provide services for a price. Surely, one does not tell the world that Baron Yufonsis at CS should be killed next turn. That would be not so useful.
Just thinking out loud here....

This is a good point.  Perhaps I will do lots of recon and simply provide a list of targets that can be bid on - no name or location, just a rank, kingdom and minimum bid.


OOC: I think your plan is actually still in decent shape, all things considered... because people could easily pitch out early-kidnap targets to you, and then bidding could commence, since the only countermeasures are ones that would have had to have been taken the turn prior.

Of course, on the flip side that means assassinations of wizards and leaders, and things like sabotage and other items in the 900 range of orders, will generally be problematic since the target could just counterespionage.

Or someone could hire UN to kill any emissary of a particular kingdom (basically a bounty) and UN tells afterwards what was done or tried. Looks fun so far. Good luck folks.

Thudargh Wrote:My preference at this point would be to avoid an alliance or mutual defense, as either could interfere with my current business venture. But coordinating the search of Runnimede seems eminently sensible, and I would say this coordination has earned you the Chlamydia package at no cost. I believe I would be able to cover the eastern forest and the desert this coming month.


Lord of Daggers,

Your offer intrigues me, and although it wasn't quite what I had in mind, we Gnomes are nothing if not flexible, and so in the absence of mutual defense pacts or alliances, here is what I would propose instead.

For not contesting me at Cradia and not contesting me for control over the region, I propose one town and village in Runnimede (in addition to your starting town and village, of course) be allocated to you. Ideally, in light of the splitting of our search patterns, you would find them on your own, and then you would not even need to share the locations... just the numbers so we could figure out the accounting, which will become relevant as I describe below.

I would also propose a second village (total of three) be allocated to you for full Chlamydia immunity. It's overpaying a bit, but we Gnomes like to be generous to our friends!

For any population centers beyond that (e.g. a second allocated town (total of three), or a third allocated village (total of four)) that you wish to take in Runnimede -- again, assuming that I'm still ultimately able to take control of the region -- I would receive an accumulating credit toward bidding for your services equal to the gold production plus 1/3 of the food production to represent conversion to gold equivalents, of the population center(s), as adjusted for the season.

Finally, in recognition of our special relationship which my children in their slang are calling, "Runnimede homies 4 life, yo," I would declare you Ally after I take control of Runnimede, which would increase your reaction level, and you need not even reciprocate... in exchange, you would decline to take any political or military actions against me, and also decline to publicize assets of mine that you might happen to come across via reconnaissance. There are far better reconnaissance targets outside of Runnimede, after all!

I understand and acknowledge that you would be free to accept Gonorrhea bids to hire you to take covert actions against me, and then actually undertake those actions, in the event I am unable to outbid them.

Please let me know if we are in agreement. Thank you, and I look forward to a mutually profitable relationship!


The Great Master of All That Breathes is intrigued by your proposal of an 'open bounty'. Treasures for sale might also be listed here. Or offers to purchase food stuffs during the Starving Time.

The Shadow Men may prove useful to Our purposes. Perhaps We shall not eat them after all...
 Lord Diamond

Please do not take any of my comments as a personal insult or as a criticism of the game 'Alamaze', which I very much enjoy. Rather, I hope that my personal insight and unique perspective may, in some way, help make 'Alamaze' more fun, a more successful financial venture, or simply more sustainable as a long-term project. Anyone who reads this post should feel completely free to ignore, disregard, scorn, implement, improve, dispute, or otherwise comment upon its content.



To the Wise and Esteemed Consuls,

As I reflect on the nature of the current campaign, I am struck by the reality that as with past campaigns, I am especially appreciative of diplomats and rulers who are able to communicate with some level of clarity, frequency, and decisiveness.

The boldness -- which I respect greatly -- of the Giant King to forge an alliance with his Warlock neighbor has significantly impacted my perception of the current campaign, as you may have even heard, as I have made no secret of it.

I have made similar overtures to my own neighbor, but his business model prevents such a close relationship. Again, I respect that, even though it is not what I might have preferred. Similarly, rumor has it that your own neighbor, while potentially willing to accept peace, is not interested in such a close alliance with you, either.

Might this be a situation where both of us could benefit from a close ally who would be willing to stand together in the event of aggression by third parties, and vice versa? I would not ask you or anyone to join me on foreign adventures, but rather to work in concert against any would-be foreign adventurers who seek to target either one of us in earnest... in other words, an actual invasion, as opposed to here-and-there harassment.

In order to preserve some freedom of movement and not to overly alarm our other neighbors, I am not asking for a permanent alliance, as some have been known to prefer. I would simply suggest that our end-of-next-summer non-aggression pact (T13) be expanded to a mutual defense pact for the same period of time. This should allow each of us to have a bit more security as we take some time to grow and build.

Although we Gnomes might not be the greatest warriors, agents, or wizards in the land, we are competent in each area, and moreover are led by a canny and experienced King, who has the services of a dedicated and tireless diplomatic liaison.

Please let me know if this arrangement interests you. I promise, no offense shall be taken if you are not interested, but I would be remiss in my duties if I did not at least make the suggestion. I remain

Your Brainstorming Bastion of Budding Buddy Benefits,

(10-27-2015, 10:14 PM)HeadHoncho Wrote:
Thudargh Wrote:My preference at this point would be to avoid an alliance or mutual defense, as either could interfere with my current business venture.  But coordinating the search of Runnimede seems eminently sensible, and I would say this coordination has earned you the Chlamydia package at no cost.  I believe I would be able to cover the eastern forest and the desert this coming month.


Lord of Daggers,

Your offer intrigues me, and although it wasn't quite what I had in mind, we Gnomes are nothing if not flexible, and so in the absence of mutual defense pacts or alliances, here is what I would propose instead.

For not contesting me at Cradia and not contesting me for control over the region, I propose one town and village in Runnimede (in addition to your starting town and village, of course) be allocated to you.  Ideally, in light of the splitting of our search patterns, you would find them on your own, and then you would not even need to share the locations... just the numbers so we could figure out the accounting, which will become relevant as I describe below.

I would also propose a second village (total of three) be allocated to you for full Chlamydia immunity.  It's overpaying a bit, but we Gnomes like to be generous to our friends!

For any population centers beyond that (e.g. a second allocated town (total of three), or a third allocated village (total of four)) that you wish to take in Runnimede -- again, assuming that I'm still ultimately able to take control of the region -- I would receive an accumulating credit toward bidding for your services equal to the gold production plus 1/3 of the food production to represent conversion to gold equivalents, of the population center(s), as adjusted for the season.

Finally, in recognition of our special relationship which my children in their slang are calling, "Runnimede homies 4 life, yo," I would declare you Ally after I take control of Runnimede, which would increase your reaction level, and you need not even reciprocate... in exchange, you would decline to take any political or military actions against me, and also decline to publicize assets of mine that you might happen to come across via reconnaissance.  There are far better reconnaissance targets outside of Runnimede, after all!

I understand and acknowledge that you would be free to accept Gonorrhea bids to hire you to take covert actions against me, and then actually undertake those actions, in the event I am unable to outbid them.

Please let me know if we are in agreement.  Thank you, and I look forward to a mutually profitable relationship!
We are in agreement.  I am pleased you are the first person I have given Chlamydia to!

(10-27-2015, 04:02 PM)Netstrider Wrote: WA to the Elven Queen of the Oak Forests,

Hail Great Queen!

It has been far too long since I have visited your fair lands and forest cities. And even longer since your majesty has graced our lands with your beauty! Ancient forces are stirring once again in Alamaze and it may be time for our peoples to once again communicate on matters of importance. Along with a request to send a delegation to Oakendell so that we may communicate in person about matters of mutual interest, including external threats to our lands, we would like to give advance notice of our intentions and propose an agreement.

As always, the Red Warlock wishes to be left in peace, but for that to happen strength is needed. Strong friends willing to come to each others aid can create strength and deter aggression. To that end, we propose that our two peoples enter into a defensive pact , promising each other aid if attacked by our mutual neighbors.

If a defensive pact is more than you wish to contemplate, we can promise that in the coming period of violence in the lands of Alamaze we will not attempt to spread our influence to the lands of the Forests of Oakendell if you can make a similar promise with regard to our fair lands of Amber.

We have heard rumors of a charming young elven lass who has been visiting the kingdoms of Alamaze carrying the Queen's messages. We would be delighted to entertain her and promise that she will be treated most kindly. We may even be able to teach her a spell or two!

The Red Warlock

These are good tidings indeed, that we once again commune with one another. I am glad that our magics endure, for it has been an age since we used our scrying bowls in this fashion!

You are kind to think of us in this portentous time. I shall be brief here, for my emissary is en route to your lands as the moons grow full, and will have far more to say regarding the future of our people.

In the meanwhile, I can offer that I shall send aid as I might should you encounter unexpected troubles, or a premature winter. I shall also, of course, observe peace. Should I hear of any activities detrimental to your people, I shall discourage them as well as send more emissaries to alert your people.

May the stars always shine upon you,

- Triesta, Daughter of the Sun and Moon

EL to WI

To my old, the Walker of Mists.

I sense your stirrings to the East. No doubt your spirit is rekindled and you've turned your expansive will towards the affairs of mortals in these lands. I too have begun questing outwards, and hope to learn more of the architects behind what I sense shall be a war not unlike our own, ages ago.

And so it is that I propose a peace between our people. While our philosophies differ of the most fundamental accord, I know you to be a far-seeing being possessed of sufficient insight and power to protect this world from what is to come. In that, we share heritage, and it is my hope that it is a basis for truce between us, albeit an uneasy one.

Save perhaps the Ancients, you and I alone remember The Void that nearly devoured us all.

I suspect many will seek to move against you. No doubt they will have heard stories of your dark magics. I offer a voice tempering any immediate action from the free peoples, as I know we will need every advantage possible if we are to survive what is to come. Your power alongside mine might be enough to tip the scales in our favor and save this world as we know it.

You should know that we have settled in the Northern Mists, with the original design of keeping our senses open to your return. Perhaps we can use this settlement instead for communication. Our envoys could share counsel in how to stand together against what is to come.

- I propose non-aggression through T10, while we learn our grounds in the land
- I am interested in inverting RP tropes and exploring working together in a grander manner. I like the idea of an unexpected, uneasy alliance against something greater - perhaps the Dark Elves or Demons or even an external, unseen threat that individually aligns the world against us.
- I am open to a mutual defense agreement of some sort
- We have a town in  the mists located at BJ, and would prefer that you do not take it. We would offer the same treatment of your settlement in Oakendell. Please disclose its location if you would like to act on this, and we will not scout it as we explore and attempt to take Region 1.

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