For me, as the player of the Underworld, Turn #2 went well enough, I reckon. No major disasters transpired, and it's really all about me getting a better feel for at least some of what the basics of the game are.
I succeeded at enamoring my starting region. This should hopefully enable me to be better prepared for forthcoming emissary actions (#320 - Rebel Pop Center and #330 - Usurp Pop center). That's the hope, anyway.
I succeeded at causing a pop center to rebel from the control of its human masters, and now it is officially neutral.
I succeeded at proposing a new issue to the High Council. Yeah, it's a self-serving action, but it isn't as though there are a lot of choices (from my perspective), and I do want to better grasp what kingdoms can do, as well as
how to do it.
An attempt to have my kingdom's Court Fool to Entertain Royal Court met with failure, and netted my king no net increase in his influence. A successful use of the order, but a failure for the order's outcome. I count it as a win for me, as a player, since the order itself went off without a hitch, but also, I count it as a failure for my kingdom, simultaneously, since it ended up being a waste of an order that accomplished nothing.
I succeeded at increasing the number of standing orders that my kingdom has in effect, simultaneously.
I succeeded at learning the regional reaction of another kingdom. No nefarious motive behind this. Rather, just exploring what kind of feedback that I receive for the order issued. I've never used that particular order before.
My military units/armies that I am moving about the map sure don't get very far during a single turn's worth of movement. Even still, I am fiddling with them, and gaining a little bit of familiarization with that aspect of the game's design.
Thus far, I haven't proven very adept at stumbling upon pop centers, due to the fog of war that overlays the portions of the map that, thus far, remain unexplored. Hopefully, that will change in the coming turns, as I employ more agents to search for them. Currently, though, I get the feeling in my gut that my kingdom is currently behind, in that aspect of the game.
I have done some minor improvement of pop centers, so I count those efforts as minor successes. Gold, gold, always a shortage of gold, it seems, no matter what I undertake to do. Fortunately, other kingdoms continue to make robust efforts to train their agents, so that boon of gold continues to aid me in my question to issue my kingdom's total number of available orders each turn, thus far.
The Training of Agents by Kingdom for Turn #2
Ancient Ones = 1
Dark Elven = 2
Halfling = 5
Lycans = 4
Lizard Men = 3
Giants = 1
The training of my own kingdom's agents continues apace. Not as swiftly with as many agents as I would otherwise prefer, but there are always other competing interests vying for the same available order slots and available gold resources on hand.
From reviewing the current turn's map, I see that the following kingdoms already control at least one Major City:
Lizard Men = 1
Halfling = 1
Human = 1
Neutral = 5
* Note: This includes only the 8 Major Cities that I can see on my current map.
I have used the
#501 – Rapid Agent Training (Underworld only) order successfully.
My agents, collectively, have succeeded in finding exactly zero pop centers over the course of the first two turns.
igh:: This is my life as the Underworld, apparently!
I hope that you don't mind me sharing a few details from the Underworld.